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Poway Valley Garden Club
Pollinator Plant Growing Guide

We truly appreciate your support and dedication to a planet that sustains life! Below you will find a list of our favorite resources to help grow native and pollinator attracting plants. 


Next, there is a list of our favorite plants with links to learn more about the plant and/or how to grow. 


If you followed a QR-code to get here from one of our Pollinator Garden Seed Packets, thanks for your support! In the plant list you will find more information about each of the plants in your seed packet. 


We hope these resources help you on your journey and we hope you share them with others. It will take many hands but together we are providing invaluable support to our pollinators and the web of life that depends on them.


Here’s a list of our favorite website resources: 



  • Calscape (California Native Plant Society)

  • CNPSSD (California Native Plant Society San Diego Chapter)


    • The Native Plant Finder is an ambitious work in progress. No other site exists to provide information about which native plants are best at supporting butterfly and moth species, then gives you personalized information for your exact zip code


Here’s a list of our favorite educational videos:




Here’s a list of our favorite plants:

To learn more about each of our favorite plants below please click on the name of the plant and follow the link.


African Daisy  Arctotis ‘Purple Torch’ 

Annual Coreopsis  Coreopsis tinctoria

Arroyo Lupine  Lupinus succulentus

Ashyleaf Buckwheat  Eriogonum cinereum

Baby Blue Eyes  Nemophila menziesii

Bachelor’s Button  Centaurea cyanus

Baja Fairy Duster  Calliandra eriophylla

Black Knight Scabiosa  Sweet Scabious 'Black Knight'

*Black-eyed Susan  Rudbeckia hirta

Black-eyed Susan Vine Thunbergia alata

Bladderpod  Peritoma arborea

Blanketflower  Gaillardia

Blue Flax  Linum lewisii

Blue Lupine  Lupinus polyphyllus

California Bluebells  Phacelia minor

California Buckwheat  Eriogonum fasciculatum

California Mix Zinnia  Zinnia elegans

California Poppy Eschscholzia californica 

Cassia  Senna covesii

Chaparral Yucca  Hesperoyucca whipplei

Cleveland Sage  Salvia clevelandii

Common Borage  Borago officinalis

Common Yarrow   Achillea millefolium

Coreopsis   Leptosyne californica

Cosmos  Cosmos bipinnatus

Deerweed  Acmispon glaber

Desert Bluebells  Phacelia campanularia

Desert Marigold  Baileya multiradiata

Desert Sand Verbena  Abronia villosa

Dwarf Sulphur Cosmos Cosmos sulphureus 

Farewell To Spring  Clarkia amoena

Fennel  Foeniculum vulgare

Formula Mix Scabiosa 

Globe Gilia  Gilia capitata

Goldfields  Lasthenia californica

Gregg's Mistflower  Conoclinium greggii

Hummingbird Sage Salvia spathacea

Indian Blanket  Gaillardia pulchella

Lacy Phacelia   Phacelia tanacetifolia

Lance Leaf Coreopsis  Coreopsis lanceolata

Mexican Sunflower  Tithonia rotundifolia

Mission Red Monkeyflower  Diplacus aurantiacus var. puniceus

Narrowleaf Milkweed  Asclepias fascicularis

Painted Daisy  Chrysanthemum carinatum

Pigmy-Leaved Lupine  Lupinus bicolor

Pincushion Flower  Scabiosa atropurpurea

Plains Coreopsis  Coreopsis tinctoria

Prairie Coneflower  Ratibida pinnata

Purple Coneflower  Echinacea purpurea

Purple Owl's Clover  Castilleja exserta

Red Flax  Linum grandiflorum

Scarlet Bugler  Penstemon centranthifolius

Shirley Poppy  Linum grandiflorum

Showy Milkweed  Asclepias speciosa

Showy Penstemon Penstemon speciosus 

Slender Sunflower Helianthus gracilentus

Strawberry Clover  Trifolium fragiferum L

Sugar Bush Rhus ovata

Sunflower Dwarf Helianthus annuus L.

Sunflower Autumn Beauty Helianthus annuus L

Sweet Alyssum Lobularia maritima

Teddy Bear Sunflower  Helianthus annuus 'Teddy Bear'

Telegraph Weed  Heterotheca grandiflora

Tidy Tips  Layia platyglossa

Velvet Queen Sunflower Helianthus annuus 'Velvet Queen'

Wallflower  Erysimum capitatum

White sunflower  Helianthus glaucophyllus 

White Yarrow Achillea millefolium

Woolly Leaf Ceanothus  Ceanothus tomentosus

Woolly Bluecurls  Trichostema lanatum

Yellow Lupine  Lupinus luteolus



Leslie Uke, Pollinator Project Web content

Donna Payton, Chair

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